How do I travel to Kos?
Please feel free to check out our travel guide where we have collected all airlines and travel agencies flying to Kos during the season.
How does it work with accommodation for your employees?
When we hire a person that person becomes a part of the West Family. Obviously we have bed for all our staff arriving. If you are not happy with your accommodation there is the possibility to change and we will together find a new place that fits.
How much does the accommodation costs?
Since you are sharing apartments with other members of the staff the rent is cheap. The cost is estimated between 100-200 euros a month/person which is pretty normal depending on required standards.
What’s the price for food and drinks?
To be a part of the West family has it’s benefits. The drinks is included in the salary at West Bar and our staff has various discounts and offers on a lot of restaurants in Kos Town.
What are you looking for in your employees?
The ultimate staff member for us is crazy social and loves attention and has a natural talent for entertainment and service. Further skills in collobaration and working in groups with people from several countries is required. If you speak Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, English or Dutch that’s a bonus.
How do you recruit?
As number one in Kos Town we have high demands from our guests. This is the reason we put a lot of time and effort finding the people we think fits in our West family. This year we will have auditions in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö in Sweden, in Oslo and Bergen in Norway and Amsterdam in Holland. The dates you’ll find in the event calender. If you are unable to make one of the auditions we do Skype interviews on special occasions.
How long is a working shift?
A shift at West or at Strand Beach Club is between 6-8 hours.
What’s my salary?
A standard shift at West Bar or Strand Beach Club gives a salary on 30 euro. Your tip is personal. On some positions we offer a standard salary + commission. If your a superstar with a ton of experience there is the possibility for salary discussions.
Frequently Asked Questions
In FAQ we give you answers on the questions most asked. If you have any other questions or thoughts don’t hesitate to contact us. It will just make us happy.